Hemp Farmers | Midwest Hemp Tech
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Hemp Producers

how to rotate hemp



1604 Custer Lane
Augusta, KS  67010


What producers need to know about growing hemp

If you're considering growing hemp for fiber and grain production, connect with Midwest Hemp Technology. Find out the required specs and recommended varieties for maximum yields and compliant crops. Get a signed contract before you put a seed in the ground.


Increase your odds for success, work with Midwest Hemp Technology to produce hemp. Midwest Hemp Technology is a processing company owned by producers. Licensed by the Kansas Department of Agriculture to produce hemp since 2019, company leaders are trusted and experienced. Rooted in the belief that including hemp among traditional, rotation crops is an essential step in saving the planet, Midwest Hemp Technology contracts with farmers in the midwest for fiber and grain production


Hemp production was prohibited for nearly 80 years. That is a lot of lost time and advancements that never happened for a crop with mountains of potential. Restoring hemp crops to their rightful place on American farms requires all the tools that benefit traditional crops.  There's a lot of ground to make up and MHT leads the agricultural hemp industry with experience and trusted perspective. 


Contact MHT with the info or web submission form below with questions about hemp production and crop contracts. 

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